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Rethinking Access to Affordable Healthcare: A Global Imperative
Access to affordable healthcare is undeniably a fundamental human right and a cornerstone of sustainable development. Despite significant advancements in medical science and technology, millions of people around the world, including in the developed and the under developed countries, continue to face barriers to receiving the care they need.
A Research and Policy Proposal on Transformation in E-commerce and Online Marketplaces
The transformation in e-commerce and online marketplaces is reshaping international trade and commerce at an unprecedented pace. To harness the opportunities and address the challenges presented by this transformation, a global and collaborative approach is imperative. By adopting the research and policy framework outlined in this proposal, the United Nations General Assembly can contribute to…
Preventive Healthcare and Wellness Promotion in the USA and Globally
Table of Contents: Introduction The Significance of Preventive Healthcare The Pillars of Effective Preventive Healthcare Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Vaccination Programs Regular Screenings Early Disease Detection Challenges and Opportunities in Preventive Healthcare A Global Perspective on Preventive Healthcare International Success Stories The Potential for Global Collaboration Conclusion …